Moisture for Life

Sharon F. Kleyne
Founder and Chairman

From the beginning of time, water has been the source of all life. Yet the Earth, for all its abundance, seems determined to rob our skin and bodies of water. Chronic moisture loss through the skin and eyes cause aging lines, poor color, blurred vision, eye discomfort, disease, allergies, skin changes, acne, fatigue and much more.

Here is Earth's lesson about moisture: There is only one way to naturally moisturize living tissue and that is with PURE NATURAL WATER.

Through this newsletter, I will teach you the common sense of water - about dehydration and hydration (losing and replacing skin and body water), how your skin, eyes and body absorb moisture from the air, and the effects of pollution and weather.

Some facts about water, skin and health:

You probably are aware that exercise, air conditioning and forced-air heating all suck water out of skin, eyes, hair and body. You are probably also aware that your body can lose up to a gallon of water a day through the skin, especially the face and eyes.

But did you know that two-thirds of the water your body takes in comes from the air (again, mostly through the face and eyes)? And did you know that common tap water, the stuff you bathe in, is almost always alkaline and almost always contains dehydrating minerals such as heavy metals? To slow dehydration and restore your skin's naturally acidic pH, you MUST get those substances off your skin.

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