Hat's Off to Our Medical Consultants

Sharon F. Kleyne
Founder and Chairman

It is my sincere hope that the information in this e-zone proves beneficial. I also hope that the information is always cutting-edge, based on the latest scientific breakthroughs and something you've never heard before.

One reason for the success of Bio-Logic Aqua Technologies Biomedical Research is that I have always been a "cutting-edge person." I've made a lifelong practice of questioning conventional wisdom and finding new approaches to old problems. I've been fortunate to be able to surround myself with world-class medical consultants who think as I do. So when you read an article, submit a question or purchase one of our products, you can be confident that my twenty years' research experience, and the combined expertise of our medical consultants, stand behind it.

I can't say enough about our Medical consulting team. In addition to being tops in their respective fields and unusually open to new ideas, they are all people with great hearts:

  • Dr. William Mathers is a Professor of Ophthalmology at Oregon Health and Science University/Casey Eye Institute, a corneal transplant surgeon, and a leading researcher in tear film structure and dry eye syndrome.

  • Dr. Marguerite McDonald is an Ophthalmologist, a recognized pioneer in the field excimer laser eye surgery, a Professor at Tulane University in New Orleans, head of her own eye research institute and does TV medical spots for a New Orleans TV station.

  • Dr. Julia Oxford is a professor of Cellular Biology at Boise State University.

  • Dr. Stephen Gugenheim is an Otolaryngologist and Facial Plastic Surgeon in private practice Grants Pass, Oregon.

  • Dr. Stephen Hull in a Dentist in private practice in Eugene, Oregon.

  • Dr. Philip Paden is an Ophthalmologist and cataract Lasik surgeon who heads an eye clinic in Medford, Oregon.

  • Dr. Roger Dailey is an Ophthalmologist and Professor of Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery at Oregon Health and Science University/Casey eye Institute.

Thank you from all of us!

SHARON F. KLEYNE, Founder and Chairman
Bio-Logic Aqua Technologies Biomedical Research

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