A Good Habit for Your Eyes

Your eyes are under attack. A list of things that cause eye dryness and irritation includes: Low humidity, wind, cold, heat, perspiration, air pollution, chemical fumes (such as cleaning compounds), airborne bacteria, pollen, forced-air heating, air conditioning, fluorescent lighting, computer screens, aging, menopause, pregnancy, stress, smoke, dust, contact lenses, building insulation, fatigue, etc.

We are so accustomed to this assault that we often don't even notice when our eyes are bothering us. But the daily exposure can lead to numerous eye problems.

Artificial tears and redness removers are sometimes helpful but they can be difficult to apply. These products are inserted as eyedrops that flood the eye with chemicals and wash away the complex natural protection of the eye's tear film. These products do not provide the eyes with what they need most--a minute amount of pure water, measured in micro-liters, added to the natural tear film's middle (aqueous) layer.

Nature's Tears® EyemistTM from Bio-Logic Aqua Technologies Biomedical Research, unlike chemical eyedrop products, delivers an ultra-pure, ultra-fine, chemical and preservative free water mist in just the right amount to be quickly absorbed into the tear film's middle layer without washing anything away. The mist is applied easily and works instantly. Many people who try Nature's Tears® EyemistTM for the first time are amazed because until that moment, they didn't realize their eyes had been bothering them.

Here's the tip: To help prevent dry, irritated eyes in the first place, and to increase awareness of when your eyes are at risk and how to deal with it, get into the habit of carrying Nature's Tears® EyemistTM with you, or at least keeping it in a handy place, and applying it at least four times daily. Making the application a daily habit is especially helpful to those whose occupations put their eyes at risk.

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