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National Save-a-Child's Life Month

Sharon F. Kleyne
Founder and Chairman

I confess, August is not "National Save-a-Child's Life Month". It should be, though. So should every other month. If I had my way, protecting children from disease, poverty and abuse would be everyone's priority all the time.

I bring all this up because August is the month in which Bio-Logic Aqua Technologies' "Save-a-Child's Life Foundation" holds its Annual Water Festival and Charity Auction on the grounds of company headquarters on the banks of the world famous Rogue River, in Southwest Oregon. This year's event, on August 2nd, will be our seventh. Each year, the money raised for childhood melanoma education programs, the Shiners Hospitals for Children Research Center in Tampa, Florida, and our local YMCA, has increased substantially over the previous year.

The festival is a fantastic, fun-filled event attended by friends, employees and business and professional associates of the company, and their families. It is put on by a 100% volunteer effort. The day features fabulous ambiance, jet-boat rides on the river, food-to-die-for (last year, we barbecued and served over 100 pounds of freshly caught Rogue River chinook salmon), live music, and, of course, the auction of nearly $30,000 in donated merchandise and services.

I believe we all have an obligation to help make the world a better place than we found it, especially for children. Besides, some things just make you feel good about yourself.

Give us a call or e-mail us for more information.

SHARON F. KLEYNE, Founder and Chairman
Bio-Logic Aqua Technologies Biomedical Research

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