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The Birth of a Product

Sharon F. Kleyne
Founder and Chairman

There's an old joke that goes:

"How do you get to Broadway?"

Answer: "Practice, practice, practice."

At Bio-Logic Aqua Technologies Biomedical Research, we have our own version:

"How does a small company with an exciting breakthrough product get into 10,000 stores?"

Answer: "Work, work, work."

It turns out that merely having an amazingly effective, first-of-its-kind product, unlike any other, isn't good enough. It helps to also have a first-of-its-kind marketing strategy, unlike any other.

Nature's Tears® EyeMistTM originated when Ophthalmologists, aware of the research done by Bio-Logic Aqua Technologies, approached me regarding a commercial product for the eyes. They explained the problems many patients experienced with chemically formulated artificial tears applied as eyedrops. They wondered if a sterile, all-natural mist might be not only far more effective, but more natural and convenient. After much hard work, Nature's Tears® EyeMistTM, with its patented mist applicator and unique water, was born.

Since the product has such great potential to offer relief to so many who suffer from problems associated with dry, irritated eyes (including nearly all contact lens wearers), the main objective became to get Nature's Tears® EyeMistTM to those who need it most (the product offers almost life-saving relief to individuals with scleroderma and Sjogren's syndrome, both highly debilitating). We worked tirelessly to make Ophthalmologists, Optometrists and Opticians aware of the product.

Obtaining shelf space with large drug chains can be difficult for a company with no other products in mass-distribution. But again, through hard work and innovative marketing, we succeeded.

Now we are moving on to new products and new challenges, even as we continue to put 100% effort into making sure Nature's Tears® EyeMistTM remains available to the countless invidivuals who have come to rely on it.

SHARON F. KLEYNE, Founder and Chairman

Bio-Logic Aqua Technologies Biomedical Research

Water and Hydrotherapy

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