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Teenage Acne Grows Up

Because of humanity's shortsighted pollution of the environment, Earth had been experiencing much stress in the last few years. When the Earth is stressed, the skin and eyes, our windows to the world, also become stressed. Environmental challenges such as pollution, weather extremes, dry air, artificially cooled or heated air, fluorescent lighting, building insulation, computer screens, contact lenses, and chemical exposure, not to mention the mental stress of a hectic modern lifestyle, can dry out skin, eyes and bodies.

Stress, whether the result of emotions or challenges of the physical environment, dehydrates and tightens the skin. When skin becomes dry, capillaries are constricted and the skin's blood circulation is impaired, making the skin look pale. All sorts of mischief flows from dehydrated skin. Two common effects may be:

  1. The skin produces too much oil. In healthy skin, there is a natural balance between moisture and oil. Most fully hydrated skin requires and produces less oil.
  2. Resistance of the skin to bacterial infection is lowered.

In teenagers, skin dehydration, excessive oil production and lowered bacterial resistance may be exacerbated by hormonal changes, improper diet or emotional upheaval. In adults, the changes may be more subtle with a slower onset. Skin dehydration is most noticeable in the face, either as dry skin, oily skin, itching, flaking, rash, dermatitis, poor color, puffy eyes with circles under them, premature aging lines, adolescent acne or adult acne.

Acne is marked by small infections in the skin surface caused by bacteria and oil-clogged pores. These infections are known as "pimples." In teenagers, pimples are largely confined to the cheeks and forehead. In adults, pimples are more often found on the jaw, neck and buttocks.

Here are some recommendations to treat acne (both adult and teenage) and protect your skin, especially your face, from environmental stress:

  1. Dry skin sheds dust-sized skin particles (flora) at a greater rate than properly moisturized skin. These particles carry bacteria and are quickly caught up in forced air heating or cooling systems. Try to keep a window open, summer or winter, so that ambient skin flora and bacteria spread by heating and cooling systems will be flushed outside.
  2. Drink a glass of warm water before you go to bed and the first thing after rising in the morning. The body detoxifies more when you are asleep. That's why you "sweat out a fever" during sleep. Water contributes to detoxification, health and healing. Water at or near body temperature is more quickly and completely absorbed so warm water is less likely to pass directly into your bladder than cold water.
  3. Learn as much as you can about your skin and body and the health effects of the environment. In addition, learn as much as possible about products and substances you put into and on your body. An understanding of sunscreens and skin-care products is essential.
  4. Regular daily use of Nature's Mist® Skin Moisture and/or Nature's Tears® EyeMistTM have been shown to have a beneficial effect on adult and teenage acne.

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