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Global Moisture Starvation

Sharon F. Kleyne
Founder and Chairman

The world is drying up! Pure, fresh, usable water in the ground, lakes, rivers, and air, is becoming increasingly rare as the world's ballooning population demands more and more fresh water. Unfortunately, only three-percent of the Earth's total water is considered "fresh", of which two-thirds are polar ice. The remaining fresh water is becoming increasingly polluted. Pollution is so widespread these days, it even poisons the life-giving humidity in the air we breathe so that our bodies are also drying out.

Of the two liters of fresh water the human body requires daily, as much as two-thirds could be absorbed directly from the air, provided the air is moist and clean. The body can also lose up to a half-pint of water a day through evaporation out skin surfaces (and much more through perspiration). To function optimally, the human body requires an envelope of unpolluted air with a relative humidity between 45% and 70% (depending on the temperature).

"Moisture starvation," occurring when the body chronically lacks usable air moisture, is becoming a global epidemic. Symptoms include irritated, pale, itching or flaky skin; irritated, burning or tired eyes; chapped lips, dry breathing passages, headache, fatigue, and frequent or chronic eye and skin problems. These symptoms often lead to more serious health problems. The solution? Sadly, I don't see the governments of the world getting together to hammer out a solution to the problems of global pollution and overpopulation. At least not one that is effective, permanent and worldwide. Until the glorious day arrives when the wolf sleeps in peace with the lamb, it is up to each of us to protect ourselves and our loved ones. My hope and prayer is that my company's Bio-Logic Aqua pure, natural moisturizing products (Nature's Tears® EyeMistTM and Nature's Mist® Skin Moisture) can help accomplish this--and maybe help save some lives.

SHARON F. KLEYNE, Founder and Chairman

Bio-Logic Aqua Technologies Biomedical Research

Water and Hydrotherapy

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