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The Eyedrop Dilemma

In classical logic, the definition of a "dilemma" is, "a situation involving a choice between two (or more) equally unsatisfactory alternatives". In contemporary parlance, this would be called a "no-win situation".

Note: You frequently hear the term "win-win situation" in advertising these days, which is supposedly the opposite of a "no-win situation." The term "win-win", however, is almost always misused. Logically, a "win-win situation" [or a "no-lose situation"] would be the opposite of a dilemma - a choice of alternatives where both are satisfactory. Getting a good deal on a new car is not a "win-win situation" but merely a "win situation." It would only be "win-win" if all other available cars were just as good.

The classical dilemma, in purchasing eyedrop products for dry, irritated eyes, is having to choose between:

  1. (on one hand). Purchasing difficult-to-apply eyedrops that are minimally effective, possibly addictive and/or allergenic and whose prolonged use may worsen the problem.
  2. (on the other hand). Putting up with the sometimes extreme discomfort of dry, irritated eyes.

One method that classical logic offers to solve a dilemma is to "go through the horns" (the two-pronged dilemma is often depicted as analogous to the horns of a charging bull where no matter which way you run, one or the other horn will get you). In contemporary parlance, "going through the horns" is called "thinking outside the box".

The trouble with eyedrops:

  1. In the delicate and complex tear film protecting the eye's surface, most moisture is contained in the middle or aqueous (water) layer. This layer also contains bacteria-fighting antibodies, dissolved proteins and electrolytes essential to healthy eye functioning.
  2. When the aqueous layer's moisture becomes depleted, the concentration of proteins and electrolytes increases to unhealthy levels, resulting in discomfort and irritation.
  3. Moisture evaporation from the aqueous layer is naturally slowed by a thin, overlying lipid (oil) layer.
  4. Eyedrops contain thousands of times more fluid than the tear film can absorb.
  5. Eyedrops flood the tear film, washing away the moisture-holding lipid layer and much of the aqueous, layer, including beneficial proteins and antibodies.
  6. As a result, excessive eyedrop use may actually worsen ocular dryness and lead to chemical dependence.

Oregon's Bio-Logic Aqua Technologies Biomedical Research "went through the horns" of this dilemma by simply eliminating the eyedrop. They determined that what is lacking in most dry eye cases is three to five nanoliters (billionths of a liter) of water from the aqueous layer. They also observed that the eye has the ability to naturally replenish tear film moisture by simply absorbing it from the air. For the "from the air" method to work, the air must be very humid and contain moisture droplets that are biocompatible and pollution-free, ideally with a pH slightly below 7.0.

The solution: Nature's Tears EyeMist, the world's first mist product for the eyes. Nature's Tears EyeMist is all-natural, eyedrop-free, non-allergenic and delivers a nanoliter dose that does not flood the tear film. The product is easy to apply, instantly effective and has no dosage limit.

Any way you look at it, Nature's Tears EyeMist offers a win-win situation to dry-eye sufferers.

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